The Top 5 legal aspects before starting your business
What are the key legal decisions when taking a leap into entrepreneurship? – Find out in our latest blog by corporate lawyer Joseph Chiummiento.
What are the key legal decisions when taking a leap into entrepreneurship? – Find out in our latest blog by corporate lawyer Joseph Chiummiento.
How are minority shareholders protected under the oppression remedy and how can you deal with being treated unfairly by a company? Find out in our latest blog.
In a low-supply and overheating Toronto real-estate market, construction of new residential properties cannot seem to go quick enough to satisfy demand. What legal framework exists to regulate construction funding and how is each party, may it be the property owner or the contractor, affected in their rights and obligations? – Let’s have a look at the Ontario Construction Lien Act.
What are key responsibilities and liabilities when taking on the role of a director or officer of a corporation? Find out in the latest Core Lawyers blog.