We try to provide as much information to you as possible to help guide your decisions so that you understand how those decisions impact transferring your assets, dealing with family-owned business, or managing care for your children.
Appointing Your Trustee
Appointing Guardians
Clarifying Beneficiaries
Minimizing Estate Taxes Through Use of a Dual Will
Confirming Disaster Clauses
Granting Powers of Attorneys for Personal Care and for the Management of Property
It is important to know how your wealth and assets will be passed on to those you care about when your time comes. Making sure your spouse, your children, your family or your favourite charity will receive something from you in the event of an unforeseen situation is a priority for many of our clients.
We try to provide as much information to you as possible to help guide your decisions so that you understand how how those decisions impact transferring your assets, dealing with family-owned business, or managing care for your children.
Although never easy to discuss, having a comprehensive estate plan not only ensures your assets are transferred according to your wishes and can assist in minimizing income tax consquences if an estate plan was not in place.
Core Lawyers
3300 Highway 7
Suite 600
Vaughan, Ontario L4K 4M3